OU Giving Day

OU Giving Day will be held from 12 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, 2025. This year’s celebration marks the eighth annual fundraising event.

The entire OU family – faculty, staff, students, parents, retirees, corporate and foundation partners, alumni and friends - is welcome to participate through giving, joining hourly challenges and following along on social media!

Simply click the “Make a Gift” button in the top right corner of your screen. You will then be able to search for your desired fund straight from the online giving form! If you select “Other” and do not specify your fund of choice, we will default to the unit’s discretionary fund. 

Please note that gifts to OU Health are made through a separate form.

Please contact us by email at ougivingday@ou.edu or by phone at 1-844-OUDONOR.

Making a Gift

Online: givesooner.org
By phone: (405) 325-5573
By check: Make your check payable to the

University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc.

Send to:
The University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc.
PO Box 258856
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-8856

Checks must be received by 5 p.m. CDT on April 8, 2025

Gifts must be at least $10

Yes, gifts must be at least $10 to participate.

1. “Find a Fund” — Located in the top left corner of the homepage or the drop-down menu on mobile, search the area, organization or specific fund you want to support. You may use keywords to help narrow your search.
2. Link Boxes — Link boxes can be found on the homepage of the website. Click on the campus or area you want to support. Next, click on the fund you would like to give to. Select or type in the amount you want to give.
3. “Make a Gift” button — Located in the top right corner of the homepage. By clicking this button, you’re able to scroll through funds, narrowing your search by typing in the area you want to support or by clicking a category.

Please note that gifts to OU Health are made through a separate form.

If your fund is not listed on givesooner.org, manually enter your fund by selecting “Other” in the college or area for your fund. (Ex. Other - Price College of Business).

On the next step, you may type in the fund name or fund number you’d like to support in the "Additional Details" area in the field "If you selected 'Other' please indicate your designation here:"

If you do not specify your designation, your gift will be directed toward the college’s discretionary fund.

Please note! The giving form will auto populate to a $100 donation. However, this can be adjusted by typing in or clicking on a different amount.

Yes! All gifts made via givesooner.org are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. An email confirmation and acknowledgment of your gift will be sent to you after you make your gift. You will also receive a tax receipt from the University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc. via email.

Giving Day Challenges

Early challenges run from March 31, 2025, to midnight on April 7, 2025. 

Each early challenge will have one winner. For more details on this year's challenges, click here!

OU Giving Day has three mega challenges this year.

  • The Board Engagement Challenge runs from midnight to 6 a.m. CDT on April 8, 2025.
  • The Greek Life Challenge runs from midnight to 8 p.m. CDT on April 8, 2025.
  • The Faculty/Staff: Most Gifts Challenge runs from midnight to 10 p.m. CDT on April 8, 2025.
Each mega challenge will have one winner.

Share on social media and make a gift to your favorite fund! Post your entry to X or Instagram with the hashtag #OUGivingDay. If you post using #OUGivingDay during one of the social media challenges, the area you shout out has a chance at winning a bonus award! Each social media challenge will have a first, second and third place winner.

Pro tip: Make sure your X or Instagram account is set to public to ensure your post gets entered to win!

Be the first to give to your favorite fund! Every hour throughout April 8, 2025, the fund that receives the first gift of the hour will win a prize of $500. Challenge winners are determined by the transaction timestamp of gifts made via givesooner.org. If there is a tie, the fund with the largest online gift wins.

There will be two All Day Challenge winners:

  • The college or academic unit with the most gifts made online via givesooner.org wins.
  • The college or academic unit with the most dollars raised wins.
Visit our Challenges page for more details on how you can participate in specific challenges.

The dollars to support the hourly challenges are made possible by a collective gift from the OU Foundation, the OU Foundation Trustees and members of the President’s Associates.

Social media challenges are voted on by a Giving Day committee. For a chance to win a social media challenge for your fund, you will need to create a post on your public X or Instagram account during the designated timeframe. Be sure to use #OUGivingDay!

All other challenge winners are determined by the transaction timestamp of gifts made via givesooner.org.

First Gift of the Hour: For these challenges, the fund that receives the first gift during the designated hour wins. If there is a tie, the fund with the largest online gift wins.

Most Gifts: For these challenges, the fund with the most gifts made via givesooner.org during the designated hour wins. If there is a tie, the fund with the largest online gift wins.

Largest Online Gift: For these challenges, the fund with the largest online gift made via givesooner.org during the designated hour wins. If there is a tie, the fund with most gifts wins.

Random: For these challenges, gifts will be sorted chronologically and entered into a random number generator. The first result wins first place, the second result wins second place and the third result wins third place. If the same number is selected twice, the random number generator will run again.

Funds can place up to three times throughout Giving Day.

Join in on the Giving Day competition! Unite your fellow board members to earn the most points for your fund. OU boards will earn points for every gift made by a board member. Prizes will be awarded to boards based on their size. There are two categories: boards with up to 20 members and boards with 21 or more members. The board with the highest points in each category wins a prize.

The competition will be judged on a point system based on gift size and participation percentage. The point system works as follows:

  • 2-figure gift = 2 points

  • 3-figure gift = 4 points

  • 4-figure gift = 8 points

  • 5-figure gift = 12 points

  • 6-figure gift = 16 points

  • 7-figure gift = 20 points

  • 100% board participation = 3x points. Participation is defined as one gift per board member via givesooner.org or intention form by 6 p.m. on April 8. Use your board’s unique link to make a gift!

    Most Dollars Raised throughout all Giving Day 2024: OU Athletics

    Most Gifts throughout all Giving Day 2024: Gallogly College of Engineering

    Get Involved

  • Make a gift on April 8, 2025
  • Spread the word about #OUGivingDay
  • Participate in one of our social media challenges on X or Instagram.
  • For additional information about how to connect with Giving Day, contact the Giving Day team at ougivingday@ou.edu to get all the tools you need. 

    To help spread the word and gain support for your cause, participate in social media challenges! Simply visit the Challenges page to view all 24 challenges and their rules.

    Follow the official University of Oklahoma, OU Foundation and OU Alumni Association social media accounts for updates throughout Giving Day.

    Facebook @uofoklahoma, The University of Oklahoma Foundation and OU Alumni Association

    Instagram @uofoklahoma, @ou_foundation and @sooneralumni

    X @uofoklahoma @ou_foundation_ and @ou_alumni

    Don’t forget to use #OUGivingDay when you post about Giving Day!

    Campus Events

    On April 8, 2025, we will be celebrating Giving Day on the South Oval! Join us throughout the day for food trucks, giveaways and more. Check out the "Events" page to see a complete rundown!

    On April 8, 2025, we will be celebrating Giving Day in Stuart Square! Join us across campus for a variety of activities on the day. Check out the "Events" page to see a complete rundown!

    On April 8, 2025, we will be celebrating Giving Day at the Robert Bird Library Patio! Check out the "Events" page to see a complete rundown!

    On April 8, 2025, we will be celebrating Giving Day at the Atrium inside Oklahoma Children’s Hospital OU Health! Check out the "Events" page to see a complete rundown!

    About OU Giving Day

    The University of Oklahoma Giving Day is our annual 24-hour fundraising event that supports students, departments, programs and groundbreaking research across all three OU campuses and life-saving clinical care at OU Health.

    The purpose of the University of Oklahoma’s Giving Day is to raise funds for university and hospital programs while also inspiring and educating students and the OU community on the importance of philanthropy in the educational experience.

    When you give to OU, you have a powerful opportunity to shape the lives of our students, enhance their collegiate experience and preserve our history for generations to come.

    Your investment will empower each of our students and strengthen OU’s mission of developing critical thinkers, doers and explorers through innovative, engaging instruction in an inclusive and supportive learning community.

    • If your RSO does not have a fund with the OU Foundation (most don't, so it's okay), Student Affairs will disburse your Giving Day donations to your on-campus account and will be available in August 2025.

    • These funds will reside in your account with your other sources of funding such as SGA funds or other sponsorships.

      • Note: Contact Shared Business Services Center at sbsc@ou.edu to access your Giving Day donations.

    • Giving Day funds are not subject to the same allowable and non-allowable restrictions as with SGA funding.

    • For any questions regarding fund disbrusements, please email George Ahmadi at kga@ou.edu


    Please contact our Giving Day team at ougivingday@ou.edu to get all the tools you need.